Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Teacher Appreciation Love Quotes

There are many activities around the world as we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Day 2008 in May. Other colleges and universities give special dinner to the teachers, special recognition, teacher sport fests, and all other fun games. In many elementary schools we can see students and teachers hold various entertainment activities to give formal recognition and teacher appreciation ideas.

Our teacher appreciation love quotes for today:

“Teachers change the world and they are worth recognizing for.”
- Joel Escol

“Teachers create more professionals and professionals build the nation.”

- Joel Escol

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Teacher Appreciation Quotes in RP

Philippines is one of the countries of the world which teachers receive law pay but still manage to live like a professional in progressive countries do because of their true practice of the profession. Though there are problems along the way but they still report like there’s no problem. This is the kind of professionalism they also show in order to give what the students need as far as education and knowledge.

Our Teacher Appreciation Quotes of the day:

Professional teachers never show their students they have problems. They still managed to impart the knowledge needed by the students


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Teacher Appreciation Day 2008 Love Quotes

In celebration of the Teacher Appreciation Day 2008 it is only fitting to recognize the great efforts of our teachers for doing their gargantuan task of getting children educated and eventually become responsible citizens of the nation. There are many teacher appreciation ideas we can think of to recognize their efforts.

The Teacher Appreciation Day 2008 is one of the biggest celebrations worldwide to recognize them and give them support.

Below are great love quotes for our teachers.

Teachers are nation builders - they mold the young minds become responsible citizens of the country.
- Unknown

Teachers create great nations because they professionalize many people through their expertise. They create doctors, lawyers, leaders, and good citizens
- Unknown

Monday, May 5, 2008

Teacher Appreciation Quotes

Famous teacher appreciation quotes are enough encouragements so that our educators are appreciated to the noble profession they have chosen. There is no enough word that would give them the kind of recognition they’ve always wanted to keep them alive and kicking than the best love quotes we can give to teachers.

Teacher appreciation quote for today is from Carl Jung

One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.
- Carl Jung

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Best Teacher Quotes That Inspire Educators

This is the month of May in which many teachers of the world celebrate Teacher Appreciation Day. In this month many students would love to send their famous teacher quotes to give some more encouragements to their teachers. The teaching profession is the noblest profession of all because teachers are part in nation building. There would no intelligent leaders and professionals without the teachers who taught them how to become good citizens of the country as well as in reaching their dreams in life. Our best teacher quotation for today comes from Ms. Catherine Pulsifer

“Thank you for believing in me, for teaching me with patience and understanding.”
- Catherine Pulsifer